Web Accessibility Tool is in Computer Science Syllabus

Our Web Accessibility Tool is in Computer Science Syllabus

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Computer Syllabus for Book Publishers

Atoall.com's easy internet surfing method for education development: -

1. By this educational research children can get education from internet more quickly. Development of any country depends on educated public. Education will be more effective in regional languages. Internet is the best way for this. Easy internet surfing program is the best way for education development.

2. Type in the address bar any three (3) keys twice, right to left and press Ctrl+Enter keys together. See picture and example : - jjhhgg.com (.com = Ctrl+Enter).

3. You will see your country languages. Select your language and get education.

4. After this you can read science, math, history, languages, etc which are available on internet.

5. Internet is the fastest way for communication.

6. Why is this computer curriculum important? Speakers of different languages are living in every country. Education is available on internet in every language but only on English domains. So, easy internet surfing method is very good option for education development in country.

7. Every one can get his content by this new technology.

8. Easy internet surfing is increasing literacy in country. It is a good step to achieve 100% literacy.

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List of Shortcuts : -
1. ppooii Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.ppooii.com
2. ooiiuu Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.ooiiuu.com
3. iiuuyy Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.iiuuyy.com
4. uuyytt Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.uuyytt.com
5. yyttrr Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.yyttrr.com
6. ttrree Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.ttrree.com
7. rreeww Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.rreeww.com
8. eewwqq Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.eewwqq.com
9. llkkjj Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.llkkjj.com
10. kkjjhh Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.kkjjhh.com
11. jjhhgg Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.jjhhgg.com
12. hhggff Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.hhggff.com
13. ggffdd Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.ggffdd.com
14. ffddss Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.ffddss.com
15. ddssaa Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.ddssaa.com
16. mmnnbb Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.mmnnbb.com
17. nnbbvv Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.nnbbvv.com
18. bbvvcc Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool www.bbvvcc.com
19. qqwwee Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool qqwwee
20. wweerr Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool wweerr
21. eerrtt Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool eerrtt
22. rrttyy Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool rrttyy
23. ttyyuu Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ttyyuu
24. yyuuii Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool yyuuii
25. uuiioo Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool uuiioo
26. iioopp Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool iioopp
27. aassdd Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool aassdd
28. ssddff Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ssddff
29. ddffgg Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ddffgg
30. ffgghh Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ffgghh
31. gghhjj Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool gghhjj
32. hhjjkk Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool hhjjkk
33. zzxxcc Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool zzxxcc
34. xxccvv Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool xxccvv
35. ccvvbb Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ccvvbb
36. vvbbnn Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool vvbbnn
37. bbnnmm Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool bbnnmm
38. qqaazz Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool qqaazz
39. wwssxx Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool wwssxx
40. eeddcc Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool eeddcc
41. rrffvv Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool rrffvv
42. ttggbb Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ttggbb
43. yyhhnn Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool yyhhnn
44. uujjmm Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool uujjmm
45. eesszz Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool eesszz
46. rrddxx Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool rrddxx
47. ttffcc Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ttffcc
48. yyggvv Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool yyggvv
49. uuhhbb Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool uuhhbb
50. iijjnn Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool iijjnn
51. ookkmm Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ookkmm
52. zzaaqq Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool zzaaqq
53. xxssww Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool xxssww
54. ccddee Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ccddee
55. vvffrr Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool vvffrr
56. bbggtt Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool bbggtt
57. nnhhyy Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool nnhhyy
58. mmjjuu Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool mmjjuu
59. mmkkoo Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool mmkkoo
60. nnjjii Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool nnjjii
61. bbhhuu Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool bbhhuu
62. vvggyy Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool vvggyy
63. ccfftt Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ccfftt
64. xxddrr Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool xxddrr
65. zzssee Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool zzssee
66. vvccxx Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool vvccxx
67. ccxxzz Ctrl + Enter : Web accessibility tool ccxxzz

language tools

Page 3

History of Internet for Atoall.com's invention

When internet was starting then numbers of computers had started. After some time many computers was using these numbers These numbers was IP addresses. Now we are calling to these numbers IP addresses. After some time some inventor was chatting with each other for names of IP addresses. Now we are calling to these names "domain names".

Present Internet world

Now, 99.99% famous names are in English language. So, 25% illiterates and 30% non-English people of world have facing language barrier problem.

Words of Atoall.com's Founder (Sanjeev Kumar)

"Google, Icann, Microsoft, Atoall.com and some others are trying to solve this problem. Atoall.com is getting one more step for non-English contents also. Domain names have only one problem that alphabets of domain names are in English language. So people have hesitation. Think, if all domains are in Chinese or Arabic then how we will feel."

Atoall.com's method for easy internet surfing

Now people can browse their contents by more easy options like they can press any three keys twice in the address bar, right to left e.g. ppooii (ctrl+enter) or ppooii.com, kkjjhh.com, hhggff.com see picture. After this they can search their contents in local language like a search engine.
language tools

Important information regarding Atoall.com's Invention

Internet technology of Atoall.com is a part of computer syllabus now. Education department of Kerala, Goa, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, CBSE etc. have approved this technology to solve this problem. It is appreciated by NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training), Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research etc. Invention of Atoall.com is good for WEB FOR ALL.

Page 4

Web tool for development of Example.com

Alphabets of Example.com are in English and without sequence. 50% of the world's population is non-English. They are unable to visit Example.com because they don't know English.

4 problems of domains :

1. Alphabets of websites are in English. 50% of the world's population is non-English, they can't visit.
2. Spelling mistake is a big issue.
3. We can not remember all domains.
4. Alphabets of many domains are not in sequence on keyboard.

4 solutions :

1. is in sequence.
2. There is no need to remember alphabets. Web tool is working from full keyboard.
3. Spelling mistake is no issue in web tool.
4. There is no need of English knowledge. User can press any buttons in sequence.

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Paste below code in website :

How is it working for Example.com : -

1. Copy and paste code in Example.com. Paste code in body tag. Upload it.

2. Open Example.com in your browser for one time after pasting the code.

3. You will see Example.com with web tool.

4. Type web tool in address bar e.g. www.ppooii.com or (ppooii and Ctrl + Enter), www.hhggff.com etc. See keyboard picture.

5. Now you will see your Example.com by Shortcut web tool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

6. Shortcut web tool fixes only that pages which pages have this code, so paste this code in maximum pages of Example.com.

Page 6

There is a new technology :

There is a new technology of internet for education development in respect of "Education for All" law for education in the whole world and "Right to Education" law for education in India. This technology will help those people who are feeling difficulty in internet surfing in English and people will get education by this system in his/her mother tongue faster.

Main point of "Right to Education" law, relates with Atoall.com:-  It provides for development of curriculum in consonance with the values enshrined in the Constitution, and which would ensure the all-round development of the child, building on the child's knowledge, potentiality and talent and making the child free of fear, trauma and anxiety through a system of child friendly and child centered learning.

Main point of "Education for All" law, relates with Atoall.com:- The central role of appropriate learning materials, the need for a of old and new technologies, the importance of local languages for initial literacy.

Paste new web accessibility tool in your sites because it increases accessibility and as per Govt Guidelines.

Courts are fining to websites for website accessibility. Try it now. Read


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